It is with great sympathy that we at Spaniels in the Field and Flushing Retriever foundation (SITFFR), acknowledge with much gratitude England’s Queen Elizabeth’s wonderful life and dedication to the sporting breeds we love so much. Queen Elizabeth II appeared in our sporting journals online and in print. She graced the cover of our 2008 print magazine and can be found on our website:
with her field bred English Cockers. Each year, the National English Cocker Field Trial is held on her country estate. We have been truly blessed by her love of the traditional English sporting breeds.
Queen Elizabeth II was a huge fan of our efforts at SITFFR:
- To support and preserve all the traditional flushing gun dog breeds
- To support conservation efforts as they relate to preserving wild hunting space
- To foster a conservation ethic by educating the public, especially youth
- To pass our hunting heritage to the next generationWhile we are grieved with her passing, she has left us with a great legacy of support for the traditional flushing breeds for us to carry on. She will be missed and we can only pray now that she will smile upon us from heaven in our work to match her example going forward. We extend our love and sympathy to the Royal Family, the country of England and to all who love her as we do.
With warm regards,
Kuni Smith and the SITFFR board