Roast Woodcook Forestiere

Not always the easiest of game to obtain but absolutely delicious.
4 woodcock
4 sprigs thyme
12 juniper berries
Salt and freshly ground white pepper
8 slices streaky bacon
100ml goose fat
Preparation Time: 15 Mins
Cooking Time: 15 Mins
Preheat the oven to 200 degrees C.
Place 1 sprig of thyme, 3 juniper berries, and salt and pepper inside each woodcock, then cover the breasts with the bacon. Tie them up for roasting, then season on the outside.
Heat the goose fat in a pan and seal the woodcock on all sides. Place into the pre heated oven and roast for about 10-15 minutes, depending on size, making sure they are not overcooked, allow to rest for 5 minutes when removed from oven.
To serve, remove the breasts and legs from the woodcock, and pour jus roti around.
Saute a selection of wild mushrooms in season, and arrange on woodcock.
Serving Suggestion
Suitable garnishes – braised cabbage, bacon, brussel sprouts and wood chestnuts.