News & Events

SITFFR kick-off event

Date: Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Time: 6:00PM – 8:00PM
Place: 230 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10012 (45 ST) 17th Floor
RSVP to, 860-318-5365

Some of the responses from the event:

 it was an elegant gathering! – LarissaVanDuser

I want to congratulate you on the launch of your Spaniels in the Field and Flushing Retrievers Foundation. I hope that you will achieve the goal of finding supporters on a large scale and in acquiring a land for housing dog training facilities. If you ever conduct an art auction fund raiser, I would be happy to donate work.
Looking very much towards seeing you again – Ivan Valtchev

Few Photos from the Event



 A Wonderful VIew from the 17th floor of the Event


photo 2

Kayla Palmer from Barbour Griffin Sweet




photo 3

Kate Emilio




photo 1

 Hay Hardy from Verginia Sportsman




photo 1 1

Marianne Langston ( left) Marion Von Burchard ( right)




photo 4

From left Richard Rabbito, Larissa Van Duser, Chris Graham, Hat Hardy